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Interstitial Arts  

The Endicott Studio
The Endicott Studio
An online journal for the exploration of myth, folklore and fairie tales and their use in contemporary arts. Founded in 1987, the Endicott Studio supports and promotes the works of an interconnected group of mythic writers, artists, and scholars located across the United States, and in Canada and England. From the beginning, it has been our policy to ignore the borders that the marketplace erects between genres, categories, and disciplines in order to champion fine mythic literature and art wherever it might be found.

The Interstitial Studies
Institute at SUNY New Paltz

The Interstitial Studies Institute at SUNY New Paltz is devoted to the study and practice of the Interstitial Arts. For the years 2002 through 2004, our focus will be on Interstitial writing, a kind of literary production that falls between currently established genres and forms. Our goal at ISIS is to facilitate the understanding and production of such literary works. Each summer, ISIS will conduct an intensive writing workshop and analytic seminar devoted to particular interstitial topics.

The Mythic Imagination Institute
The Mythic Imagination Institute
The Mythic Imagination Institute seeks to enliven the human spirit, raise personal and cultural consciousness, and increase cross-cultural tolerance by working to promote mythic literacy in the our modern world. To that end, we are reaching across disciplines and borders to bring together those who engage with myth in the fields of psychology, the arts, anthropology, education, and scholarship, enabling them to carry their light to a broader popular audience.

Ministry of Whimsy
Ministry Of Whimsy
On January 1, 2003, the Ministry of Whimsy Press became an imprint of Night Shade Books. VanderMeer has retained creative control, with Forrest Aguirre running the imprint's day–to–day operations. While the emphasis of the Ministry remains fantastical fiction, diversification of form and subject matter will occur as the press expands into other niches of publishing, for example, mainstream nonfiction.

Night Shade Books
Night Shade Books
Night Shade Books is dedicated to publishing quality books, from a broad spectrum of genres. Writing which inspires a sense of awe and wonder. writing that explores the fantastic. Writing that at once challenges and redefines a reader's expectations. These are the guiding editorial principals at Night Shade Books.

Small Beer Press
Small Beer Press
An independent publisher of unique voices.
"Small Beer is the hottest thing in publishing. It's amazing.
Like learning that Luxembourg has nuclear warheads." — Rick Bowes

Speculative Literature Foundation
The mission of the Speculative Literature Foundation is "to promote literary quality in speculative fiction, by encouraging promising new writers, assisting established writers, facilitating the work of quality magazines and small presses in the genre, and developing a greater public appreciation of speculative fiction."